About Me

Well, hello there! I’m Kristine. I share recipes and travel guides from my gluten free life. Hoping I can make your adventures in the kitchen and on the road easier and enjoyable!

Photo of the author in a chair on an outdoor balcony

Who I am

In a nutshell: I grew up in Arizona. I went from the desert to the Pacific Northwest for graduate school – now I am living in Seattle working in research. I love food, travel, farmer’s markets, and trying crazy new spices. Also, dogs. And through it all, I manage to do it completely gluten free.

How did I get into cooking?

I lived on takeout for most of my time as an undergraduate. When I started graduate school, I made it a priority to cook most of my meals at home to save money. My then newish boyfriend, Ryan, was also a great influence on me. We’d cook together in my studio apartment’s tiny galley kitchen, and drink a couple of beers together. It was one of the happiest times in my life. His favorite story about me learning to cook involves what I still refer to as “Ryan’s Risotto”. It’s a whole thing.

When I first moved to Seattle, I was living close to a year-round, weekly farmer’s market. I couldn’t wait to cook every week with the next thing I’d picked up at the market. But really, the nail in the coffin of my cooking obsession was my discovery of an outstanding local spice shop. I could definitely burn through a significant portion of a paycheck on spices if left to my own devices…

Why focus on gluten free?

I focus on gluten free food because I really have to in order to thrive. Allow me to elaborate.

I have nothing against gluten or those who revel in it. Once upon a time, I consumed hefeweizen and artisan bread like it was oxygen. If I could scarf down a plate of baklava or my Yiayia’s* New Year’s Bread right now, I would. No question. But alas, sometimes biology has other plans!

My adventures living absolutely gluten free started in 2016 at the end of the first year of my PhD program. I’d been sick with no explanation or improvement for a little over 8 months. Then I finally got a diagnosis based on an upper endoscopy and a blood test. I have Celiac Disease – a lifelong autoimmune disease with no treatment except a stringently gluten free diet (Check out the Celiac Disease Foundation for more information). Suffice it to say, there were no more free slices of pizza, sandwiches, or cookies for this (former) grad student!

I was already cooking for myself most of the time. However, my diagnosis presented an entirely new challenge. How could I prepare tasty and healthy food on a budget, completely gluten free, and not eat the same meals over and over again?

My mission is to make gluten free Food approachable and enjoyable

My celiac diagnosis led me to spend a lot more time in my kitchen. I learned how to adapt recipes containing gluten to be gluten free. You’d be surprised the places that gluten can end up in, but it’s frequently not the centerpiece of a dish. Gluten free does not mean you’re restricted to bland or boring food! I’ve heard this many times post-diagnosis, but it couldn’t be further from the truth.

I’ve developed a desire for diverse food during my travels and I get bored easily eating the same thing too often. As a result, my focus is not on any one cuisine. I love to visit different culinary regions of the world in my kitchen, and I hope I can help you do the same. Even if you can enjoy gluten yourself, I challenge you to explore the diverse dishes that can be prepared gluten free!

A quick disclaimer

I have a PhD and can go by “doctor”, but I am NOT and will NEVER be a medical doctor. As such, absolutely nothing written on this site can be viewed in a medical or diagnostic context. I am only describing my experiences. If you have questions or concerns about your own health, please reach out to your physician.

*For those curious, Yiayia is Greek for grandmother!