Greek Purslane Salad

During the pandemic, whenever I hit the farmer’s market, I have entertained myself by picking out one item I’ve never cooked with before. There’s an online ordering system available for the Seattle Neighborhood Farmers Markets, so I don’t really know what I’m going to get until I pick up my order. I’ve snagged some common purslane a few times now, and this sour, sort of salty succulent is really unique. I have more on that on another page – Discover Something New: Purslane! – Which will be the first of future posts highlighting a plant that’s new to my kitchen. I was dying to make a salad out of purslane, which is the star of this Greek-style purslane salad.

What we call common purslane is called “glistrida” or “antrakla” in Greece. This succulent/weed is highly nutritious, but can be pretty challenging to track down in large quantities outside of a farmer’s market or in a personal garden.

If you manage to get your hands on some purslane, this salad is an easy place to start!

Preparation & Photos

As described previously, remove the roots of the raw purslane and wash the stems thoroughly. Tear or chop the cleaned stems into bite-sized pieces. Wash and chop the tomatoes and radishes.

Crumble feta over the salad

Toss the purslane, feta, tomatoes, and radish together

Drizzle olive oil, red wine vinegar over the purslane salad, and finish with salt and ground black pepper.



The tomatoes are a really nice complement to the purslane, but use what you have. If you want to stay with a Mediterranean theme but change up this purslane salad to match your tastes, you can substitute (or add!) red onion, olives, and/or bell pepper.

I think another good alternative would be toppings like chopped apple, green onions, feta, and walnuts.


Lemon juice or white wine vinegar would be a good alternative to red wine vinegar if that isn’t your favorite.


Greek Purslane Salad

A refreshing, Greek-inspired salad featuring the unique succulent purslane. Look for it in your local farmer’s market! This salad is quite simple to throw together as long as you have some common produce, pantry staples, and a bit of feta on hand.

Don’t be afraid to mix it up – this is a very basic salad meant to focus on the purslane. You can add lettuce, olives, bell pepper, or red onion to make the salad your own!

  • Author: Kristine
  • Prep Time: 20
  • Cook Time: 5
  • Total Time: 25 minutes
  • Yield: 6 (As a side) 1x


  • 1 lb fresh, unprepared purslane (After washing and preparing 1.1 lbs raw purslane, I had 0.64 lbs left)
  • 20 oz cherry tomatoes
  • 0.375 lb (6 oz) radishes
  • ¾ lb (12 oz) feta cheese
  • Olive oil
  • Red wine vinegar
  • ¼ tsp Diamond Crystal kosher salt
  • Ground black pepper to taste


  1. Prepare the raw, unwashed purslane as I’ve described in more detail on another page. Briefly, remove the roots, wash thoroughly, and chop (or tear) tender stems with leaves into bite-sized pieces
  2. Chop cherry tomatoes and radishes
  3. Crumble the feta and top the salad
  4. Toss the purslane, tomatoes, radishes, and feta
  5. Drizzle olive oil and red wine vinegar over the salad
  6. Sprinkle the salad with kosher salt and black pepper before serving


  • This salad is best consumed right after assembly.
  • You can wash and chop the purslane a couple of days in advance to save time. Just be sure to dry it thoroughly, and store in the fridge until ready to use.
  • Looking for substitutions? Click here.


  • Serving Size: 245 g
  • Calories: 266 kcal
  • Sugar: 15.24 g
  • Sodium: 0.646 g
  • Fat: 16.96 g
  • Saturated Fat: 9.141 g
  • Unsaturated Fat: 6.827 g
  • Trans Fat: 0.002 g
  • Carbohydrates: 20.46 g
  • Fiber: 2.5 g
  • Protein: 10.25 g
  • Cholesterol: 0.05 g