Orange Fennel Salad

This orange fennel salad came from a pretty intense phase where I was over-ordering vegetables from a produce delivery service. Although it shall remain nameless, said service really would have been budget friendly for me if I had actually used everything I ordered. However, I lack the self-control to only order what I can use when I am picking food from the comfort of my couch. I understand this now! But as part of this experience, occasionally I’d end up with fennel in my box. Or boxes on particularly egregious orders.

I had no idea what I was supposed to do with this crazy looking bulb with leafy fronds.

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Tomato Pepper Salad

This tomato pepper salad is what I’d call one of my signature dishes. It became part of the regular lunch rotation for myself, my boyfriend and my roommate. I’ve brought this tomato pepper salad to potlucks and dinner parties. It’s a common request when I visit my parents. I think it is safe to say it has been a success on all fronts. Which is exactly why this is the first recipe I am posting on My Gluten Free PhD!

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